Deformed Joints with Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement Surgery!

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Granny Lin, aged 81, had received right knee replacement surgery ten years ago. After a period, she found her right leg that had undergone surgery had been generating an uneven pressure, causing the left knee to gradually wear out and degenerate. This not only made the knees uncomfortable when she was walking, but also caused them to tilt sideways, which gradually resulted in a crooked waist. As her condition continued to worsen, her son accompanied her to visit Dr. Chih-Hong Yang, the director of the Orthopedic Department, at the hospital, and the X-ray examinations revealed misalignments of the left knee.

After evaluations, Dr. Chih-Hong Yang advised that Granny Lin’s left knee also must be replaced with a prosthetic joint through minimally invasive surgery. After the surgery, Granny Lin carried out rehabilitation vigorously. 12 days later, the condition of her knees had already improved largely. She could walk around freely and did not have trouble climbing stairs, which amazed her neighbors with her speedy recovery from the knee surgery. In the interview, the satisfactory results of the surgery brought a proud and bright smile to Granny Lin’s face.


For patients with severe osteoarthritis symptoms, such as deformed joints, deteriorated cartilages, or bone spurs, joint replacement is generally advised to be performed as soon as possible to improve life quality.

Long term uneven pressure resulted in severe wearing of the cartilage between the joints.



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